Moses' sin and death


Read (1)

Numbers chapter 20 verses 1-13

Reflect and prepare to discuss

  • Do you think Moses is following God’s instructions here? Why/Why not?


Read (2)

Numbers chapter 27 verses 12-23

Discussion points

  • Does God’s judgement on Moses seem harsh or fair?
  • How does this sit with our understanding of a forgiving God?
  • What would you say in defence of Moses?
  • What do you thin k of Moses’ response?

Read (3)

Deuteronomy 32 verses 48-52

Deuteronomy 34 (all)

Further discussion

  • What might have happened if the location of Moses’ burial place was known publicly?
  • Why do you think no-one knew its location?
  • Would you describe Moses as a leader or a prophet, and why?
  • Moses has led the people out of Israel and across the wilderness, Joshua will lead them into the ‘promised land’. Which personal qualities did Moses have which made him a good leader and which qualities did he lack?

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