Songs of Praise


See Exodus 15:1-21

Reflect (questions for discussion)

• How often do we stop, and give heart-felt thanks to God?

• How does a thankful attitude affect our overall well-being?

• How do other people respond to someone with a thankful attitude?

• Should Moses be thankful at the loss of life for the Egyptians?

• How might a Christian react in a similar situation?

• Do we believe in a warrior God or a furious God? (verses 5 and 7)

• Verse 11 begins: ‘Who is like you among the gods?’ How would you as a (monotheistic) Christian re-phrase this?

• Look at verses 13-15 and then examine your map. What strikes you, how would you explain this?

• What do you want to give thanks for in your present circumstances?


There are many maps showing possible routes of the Exodus, this one is one of several worth referring to.

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