Philippians 4:4-9


To find out more about Paul's letter to the Philippians there is a background article here.

Read through the passage from the NRSV here and also from the NIV here.

Philippians 4:4-9

Points to ponder and bring to our discussion

(v4) Consider all that Paul had experienced in his life as a Christian – what was the source of his joy?

(v5) What do you understand by gentleness?

(v5) What do you think Paul understood by ‘The Lord is near’? What does this mean to you today?

(v6) ‘Be anxious for nothing’ – how easy do you find that? See also Matthew 6:25-34.

(v6) What do you think is the distinction Paul is making between ‘prayer’ and ‘supplication’?

(v7) What do you think is the difference between ‘peace with God’ and ‘the peace of God’?

(v7) How does the peace of God guard our hearts and minds?

(v8) Paul appears to be referring to the Philippians’ own secular culture. Are there things in our own secular culture we should think of in a positive way? How have they become ingrained in our culture?

(v9) Verse 9 contains a promise: how are we to receive that promise? (Try to give specific examples.)

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